WRPS' Charities

Your Help Counts!

Make a donation to one or more of the charities listed below:

WRPS Employees may request monthly contributions to be made to one or more of the charities listed below: 

The Division recognizes that students with financial needs may not be able to participate in extra/co-curricular school activities; therefore, an Education Plus Fund has been established to accept donations that will used to help alleviate some of these situations.

Edcuation Plus Fund Guidelines

Administrative Procedure 501 - Education Plus Fund


We realize when students come to school hungry they are not able to focus on their school work or interact in a positive way with their teachers and classmates. We want to support students so that they can reach their full potential in the classroom. This program provides assistance to schools to deliver food to hungry students. 

Periods are a fact of life. If you’re living in poverty or otherwise vulnerable, accessing necessary feminine hygiene products can be challenging. When youth have access to feminine hygiene products, it improves their health and well-being, gives them back their dignity and makes it possible for them to stay engaged in their community.